Full Stack Software Engineer

Who am I?

My name is Slayton Nichols, I grew up in a small part of Southern Appalachia that most people know as Western North Carolina/The North Georgia Mountains. I am passionate about music, development, and the outdoors.

What am I interested in?


C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET, HTML/CSS, jQuery, Javascript, MSSQL, Redis, NodeJS, Vue, Databricks


AWS, Azure, Docker, PowerShell, Bash, Octopus, Appveyor, Git, Github, Github Actions

Practicing Design Patterns and Areas of Expertise:

OOP, MVC, MVVC, REST, CQRS, DDD, TDD, Web Application Development, API Development/Consumption, SOA, Clean Architecture

What is this Website?

This website is intended to be a cross between a resume/blog/notepad. My goal over the years is to curate the markdown blog with examples, exercises, write ups of new tools with examples, experiments, and more.